Our energy flows through the body’s 7 major energy centers or chakras. “Chakra” is the Sanskrit word for “wheel” but is also translated as “wheel of spinning energy” in Hindi. You can think of your chakras as a power current running from atop your head (7th or Crown chakra) to the base of your spine (1st or base/root chakra). Additionally, each one relates to an element and a sense as follows:
- 1st chakra – earth and smell
- 2nd chakra – water and taste
- 3rd chakra – fire and sight
- 4th chakra – air and touch
- 5th chakra – hearing and sound
- 6th chakra – the “light” or 6th sense
- 7th chakra – no associations with the sensory world other than pure consciousness
In San Diego, chakra healing sessions may be necessary for clearing and balancing them. An irregular flow of energy can cause physical discomfort and sickness or a feeling of emotional, physical and psychological imbalance. In order to clear and balance the 7 chakras, the following is recommended:
1st chakra / base or root chakra is all about being grounded and reconnecting with Mother Earth. As simple as it sounds, walk barefoot on a beach or through the grass.
2nd chakra / sacral or naval chakra governs how an individual experiences pleasure while shame is a common issue. To cleanse and heal this chakra, immerse yourself in a clearing bath with baking soda and sea salt or take a 20-minute swim in the ocean.
3rd chakra / solar plexus chakra is where your self-esteem and will are founded. Outdoor physical activity and movement at the first light of sunrise or at sunset helps to recharge this chakra.
4th chakra / heart chakra can easily give and receive love in a healthy manner when it is open. To become open and trusting while healing your heart, it is recommended that you practice loving a pet since they love unconditionally.
5th chakra / throat chakra is about expressing the real you and speaking the truth. To clear and recharge this chakra as well as to process old traumas, create a journal based on total honesty.
6th chakra / brow chakra or “3rd eye” is where clarity of vision and higher intelligence reside. Daily meditation will awaken this chakra and help you to increase your inner wisdom and intuition.
7th chakra / crown chakra can be opened through meditation and prayer since this chakra is your connection to spirit. It is also where you can ask for guidance from your higher self.
In a sense, the 7 chakras are similar to rechargeable batteries. Also, they connect your physical being with your spiritual being. When they become blocked or out of balance by emotions, physical issues, or stress, your energy cannot flow as freely as it should. That is why you need to get your chakra cleaned if you are facing any physical issues.
Read more about Clearing and Balancing the 7 Chakras at True Insights Energy Healing
via Clearing and Balancing the 7 Chakras
by Joe True Insights