Sunday, May 24, 2020

Psychic Development to Train Your Psychic Abilities

Searching for psychic development training online to train your psychic abilities?

third eye searching

There are many awakening psychics on the planet right now. They're like eggs with little chicks, trembling within, and waiting to hatch at any moment.

Once people do take that brave step to then develop their gifts, they tend to go down one of three paths.

Learn the critical 3 paths to psychic development most people take.

3 paths to hone and develop your psychic gifts:

As I describe each of these paths, you may identify with one or more. See which one you resonate with most.

1) Self discovery or self teaching

Path of Self Discovery File:Magical Forest.png - Wikimedia Commons

This is most common pathway to psychic gifts discovery in the beginning. At this stage you may be getting the following signs:

  • You see signs like 333, 777, 11:11
  • You think of someone and moments later they text you out of nowhere
  • You get dreams or premonitions of events coming true
  • You get messages from your spirit guides or loved ones who've already passed away

At this stage you're asking, "Is this even real?" Or, "Am I crazy?"

Those brave enough at this stage may meditate often. Or, they pay attention to the signs and are asking, "What does that sign mean?"

Going down this particular pathway of psychic awakening can only take you so far, however.

Which leads to the next pathway of psychic development.

2) Searching for psychic development training


E-Learning Training School - Free photo on Pixabay

Unlike say even 10 years ago, there's now a ton of information online.

There are guided meditations for opening your third eye on YouTube, psychic development books, and a plethora of psychic training websites now available.

Having all this availability is great! I know I had bought my own fair share of psychic training books back in the day! And this was before the internet really blew up.

From the number of views some of these youtube videos are getting, there are definitely a TON of people searching online for answers.

The issue at this stage is, however, you're wondering, "How reliable are these online psychic resources?"

Can you trust them? How do you know you have a credible psychic teacher?

Not only is credibility an issue, many at this stage need even more. They want feedback from a mentor and need VALIDATION.

This leads to the next pathway of psychic development training.

3) Honing your psychic gifts with a trusted guide and mentor

HD wallpaper: alexis karpouzos, thinking, public speaking, mentor ...

By this stage, you're searching for even more answers. You're asking even deeper questions by this stage including:

  1. Is what I'm sensing even REAL?
  2. How did I even get that message or sign in the first place?
  3. Why do I keep getting the same signs (333, 777, 12:12) over and over again?

Essentially, questions like these can't be answered by some random YouTube video.

Everyone's situations and experiences are unique. At this point, you're then searching for unique answers, right?

Having a been-there-done-that psychic teacher or mentor by your side is critical at this stage.

By the stage of the game, many have been exploring on their own. More likely than not, you've encountered some strange spirit guide, being or entity.  Or, you've encountered some weird energy that just doesn't make any sense.

At this stage you NEED answers.

It's at this stage that many do end up searching for psychic development training online.

What stage of psychic development are you at?

Fortunately, no matter what stage of psychic development you are at, there are plenty of resources available.

Recommendation #1 - Get a Free Copy of My Book:

If you are at the 1st stage of psychic self discovery or the 2nd stage of searching online for psychic training resources, then a great place to start is with my downloading a copy of psychic training book, Journey of the Awakened Psychic: The 10-Step Guide to Awakening Your Psychic Gifts.

You can also order Kindle or paperback on Amazon.

Recommendation #2 - Join My Next Free Psychic Development Training Online:

If you are at the 3rd stage of searching for a mentor or psychic teacher, then I recommend taking this free mini-training course I'm offering called, "Awaken Your Psychic Gifts in 5 Days Challenge".

It's a step-by-step, easy to follow training course that teaches you a new psychic tool each day to help you hone your psychic gifts and abilities.

awaken psychic gifts challenge logo

About Joe Gacoscos

Joe Gacoscos is award winning author of Journey of the Awakened Psychic: The 10-Step Guide to Awakening your Psychic Gifts. He helps awakening psychics learn to hone their gifts so they can use their gifts to help heal others.

Download Your Free Copy of Journey of the Awakened Psychic Book

The post Psychic Development to Train Your Psychic Abilities appeared first on My Psychic Awakening Academy.

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